denver’s bellwether: coffee done right

One of my favorite things to do is try out new coffee shops. Each shop has its own style, character, and taste. Each shop an art exhibit, showcasing carefully brewed and crafted beverages. Each beverage fit for a unique person and personality.

These small shops awaken all senses – observe the latte art being poured delicately, feel the warmth gradually vacate the mug and transfer to your palms, pour the liquid from the rim to your lips, taste the creamy bitterness and the acidic, sweet, and full-bodied undertones, allow your body to slowly wake and absorb in the present.

A recent visit to Bellwether Coffee in Denver was absolutely on point.

This coffee shop infuses Western, rustic, modern, edgy, and artistic vibes. It serves coffee, but also whiskey. It also serves as a fashion retail shop and barbershop. This place has it all down to the details – the matches in the bathroom, the blue neon lights above the descending staircase, the mirror puns, the painted wall art, the skulls, the succulents, the wooden tables, and best of all, the quality and smoothness of its coffee.

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If you’re into trying different coffee shops and want a place with grit and style, I highly recommend Bellwether, a unique addition on East Colfax.


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